Hot Coffee Choc

Sometimes recovery drinks following physical activity can be too complicated….. here the simple combination of  warm milk, cocoa and coffee give you the essential amino acids and  simple carbohydrates required for your recovery.
(for 1 person)
250ml skimmed or semi-skimmed milk
1 tbsp. brown sugar
1 tbsp of cocoa powder
1 tbsp. of Instant Coffee(Decaf if preferred)
sprinkle of cinnamon(optional)


Heat the milk in a saucepan with a thick base. Mix the sugar, cocoa powder and instant coffee with a  few tablespoons of hot milk in a glass or mug. Stir well. Pour the remainder of the hot milk into the mug. You may also leave a small amount behind in the saucepan and whisk and create a foam and add over the drink. Sprinkle with a little cocoa powder or cinnamon.

energy      236 kcal
fat                       6g
carbohydrate    34g
protein              13g

3 thoughts on “Hot Coffee Choc”

  1. Great looking website. I must share it among the Facebook friends etc.
    Wishing you a Happy Christmas and great success with this and all other projects in 2018.

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